Saturday, June 2, 2012

It wasn't the first time

It wasn’t the first time for me. Paralyzing screams filled my ears giving me a sick pleasure. Twenty eight seconds and what seems like a lifetime of fear, terror and excitement. Again I ride the Kingda Ka rollercoaster.

This weekend's Trifecta Challenge is to write a 33 word story starting with the words "It wasn't the first time". Be sure to stop over there and read some amazing entries! 


  1. I used to ride roller coasters in my youth, but every ride now terrifies me. Even the ones for toddlers.

    1. Funny... the older I get the more I enjoy them! Weird!

  2. Sick pleasure - LOL! I feel the exact same way about roller coasters! Good job :)

  3. Lucy, came back to say I hope you link up with the workshop; very informal and please don't be intimidated. It's a place to experiment with fiction, that's all. I hope to grow the group. That prompt will be up a few more days.

    1. Thank you Sandra! I will take the plunge and do it! I look forward to it.

  4. The roller coaster rides could not have been put in a better way.

  5. Well done Lucy, riding rollercoasters are indeed so much fun, and that extra bit of paralyzing screaming adding to its charm!

  6. Awesome!!! I'm a rollercoaster freak myself.

    1. Me too! Hoping to get on some this summer!

  7. Reminds me of my love/dread for the Batman ride!

  8. This is so timely for me. I took my 5 year old on his first roller coaster yesterday. I didn't know how *big* of a coaster it was until midway through that first drop. Petrifying. He told me it felt like his stomach was coming out his ear. I think that sounds right. :-) Hope to see you back soon.
